Waves of Impact


Nearly everyone is feeling the financial crisis, not all at once, but rather in waves.  These waves or fluctuations go in and out like the ocean. Each one brings more insight, more truth, more change, and with each contact, ever greater connections that impact our reality. The illusions and ideas that we took for granted are eroding.

We once thought ideas, like banks, are stable and real estate is a safe bet.  Ideas about the hedge funds, insurance companies, and finacial gurus, to name a few.  Ideas about government and capitalism and private business.  Ideas about retirement and security. All of these ideas are being challenged, exposed, and the bottom line, once so clear, is a hazy blur. No one seems to know exactly when and how the whole experience known as the financial crisis will end. As quickly as solutions appear, another wave appears, and the impact keeps growing.

More than ever it is time to lead, not follow.  Calling this a financial crisis does not do justice to what is really going on and how many areas of life this will impact.  Relationships are being torn apart, stress-related health issues are prevalent, mental illness is on the rise and lives are in transition.  There are more things than I can write about. Money or lack of money is not the core cause, and neither is it, by itself, the long term solution.

People and organizations will have to go through transformations to win. Getting by is not enough.  I believe this is an extra-ordinary opportunity to step out of the trance of mediocrity and into the ideals we desire. Cooperation, harmony, compassion and truth will have a greater audience than competition, greed, self-interest and illusions of reality designed to serve a few.  We can choose to evolve to our highest potential together and rise above the waves. Or, we can choose to do nothing, step into fear and denial and eventually drown in them.

Now is the perfect time to re-define who we are.  To internalize our self-worth as seperate from our net-worth. To find fulfillment in life and not just on paper (bank statements, share certificates, etc). Time to play the game no matter how challenging…play to win!

13 thoughts on “Waves of Impact

  1. Pingback: Financial Crisis: What To Say To Your Loved Ones « Renaissance for Leaders | GOLDZONE

  2. Pingback: Confront And The Financial Crisis « Renaissance for Leaders Blog | GOLDZONE

  3. This article had me thinking how in the last paragraph its a time to redefine ourselves, internalize our self worth as separate from our net worth…..

    Easy on one hand and challenging on the other. So much of the face to the world is position and status usually defined by what you do and what you have.

    The financial crisis is eroding that, one wave at a time…. and I believe that those that can embrace the change will be the winners.


  4. It really got me thinking… At the epicenter of it all is seems to be basic greed… and the waves have traveled outward effecting businesses. There is a complex network of vendor to business to clients and the wave rips through all levels.

    While cash flow is required for business to solve this in the short term,
    cooperation and integrity are the only way to solve this in the long term.


  5. I agree money won’t solve the problems, pouring billions of dollars into the USA isn’t changing things. People are the ones who need to change. Each of us needs to learn our lesson that life is giving us and make the changes necessary to respond differently to the situation. The universe is forcing people to cooperate, integrate, connect, and live by our values. There is no room for greed, corruption, self-interest, or separation any more. The people who stay attached to the old ideas of security being in the banks, insurance, property, and retirement won’t make the necessary changes to thrive in the new world economy. The people who separate, are self-interested, choose greed, and corruption will get their own results of feeling miserable, being alone, and feeling empty. The waves of impact are having me look into what areas I need to change in me, where I need to cooperate, integrate, and connect.


  6. Pingback: Towers of Glass, Feet of Clay « Renaissance for Leaders Blog | GOLDZONE

  7. The image at the start of this article caught my eye and took me to times where I have been underwater and struggling to breathe.

    The more I struggle, the less I am closer to get out of the situation…..and applying this to the waves that have been coming through with the financial crisis, the concept of co-operation is most definitely the lifeline towards riding the waves!!

    This is truly an opportune time to transform and respond to the situation through harmonious co-operation and re-define who we are/ I am……

    A brilliant article!!


  8. I agree with Rowena on how this crisis is showing the truth of a lot of people.

    Also, the illusion, belief and ideas of what is stable and what is not, are being challenged at this point in time. The conforming of these ideas causes mediocrity as many people are just following blindly.

    This is a good opportunity to start to lead and do things differently. I believe its definitely easier for us to move through these challenging times through co-operation and harmony as compared to greed and self-centeredness.

    Great article!


  9. This article sums it up exactly… all of the previous “certainties” are being challenged and tested to the limits…. in multiple areas.

    To overcome this will require vision, courage, co-operation, proactive action, innovation and creativity between individuals, families, communities, governments, business, industries and countries…

    A co-operative fresh way of doing things and attitude for all areas will be required… ensuring a very bright and sustainable future…


  10. Ric

    I can relate to the picture, is like a person drowning in the wave.

    If we were to be cripple by fear and do nothing to step out of the trance,
    we will eventually drown in them. When we take action and be willing to go through the transformations then we can achieve win.

    I agree with the passage and what i see in this financial crisis show us what previous ideas and method have been challenge. I agrees it take everyone to step into cooperation, harmony, instead of self interest, and we can definitely brave through this Crisis wining.


  11. It is often said the nature has the answers… This article has the solution! Great analogy, observations and suggestions!…

    “We can choose to evolve to our highest potential together and rise above the waves. Or we can choose to do nothing, step into fear and denial and eventually drown in them.”

    It’s about what we choose at any point. It’s when we decide to get off the beach and go through the turbulent white water to get to the juicy waves that we will see transformation in ourselves and organisations. It will take encouragement and cooperation to help each other through the community of fear – willingness is the key to be part of it.

    I wrote about something related to this theme of Waves last night before this was published… interesting synchronicity around this stream of thought…

    Definition of FLOW


  12. I like this article and find it so inspiring especially taking this opportunity to re-define who I really are,… and not just being define by my net worth. Wow! Awesome…


  13. I find it quite thought provoking how this is affecting all kinds of relationships, and how the truth of people is showing up, it is very sad to see how nasty and self centered some people become. We are all in this together and some co-operation, team work and partnership will go a long way to moving us out of this Financial Crisis.


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