Fragmentation Leads to Stress

Futurists commonly predict that we are moving away from separate personal and professional lives towards a life where our personal and professional lives are fully integrated.

For many of us, our lives have developed as fragmented sections or compartments. We are one way at work, and altogether different in our personal life. This leads to a split personality: the work persona and the home persona and never the twain shall meet. Our feelings get left at home, and the very fabric of what makes us human gets left out of the work place.

How do you integrate yourself as a whole person into your career, profession or business? Most success models are based on how much money you have, however, this is a very limited view of life. True success includes money, health, relationship, career, self-expression and spirituality.

Traditionally, our personal lives are viewed as separate and distinct from our professional lives. And yet, the state of our personal life has a dramatic impact on our productivity, stress and performance.  The basic rule applies: less fragmentation = less stress.

What can you do to integrate more of yourself in all areas – professional and personal?

6 thoughts on “Fragmentation Leads to Stress

  1. Fernando Tamayo

    Super write – ups congratulations to all

    If you can master the art of having two mental briefcases one is lable home and the other is lable work

    And if you can master the mental practice of when you go to work the friefcase lable home is left by the door of your home and the briefcase lable work is picked up and go with you to work, thinking nothing but work

    When you go home from work if you reverse the procedure and leave the briefcase lable work by the door to your office and pick up the one lable home thinking nothing but home. you will brake the bad habit of mixing your personal life with your work life.

    Easy to say but hard to do. But practice makes it perfect.

    Thanks for reading and best of luck.


  2. What a fascinating blog/article. Very well written and well put. Ever since hearing the term WYSIWYG, I have always referred to myself as a WYSIWYG – because I am myself in all moments, in all places. Some people like it and some don’t, but that’s the way it is with life, isn’t it? I realized at one point while climbing the ladder in corporate america, that I was losing this and was beginning to do the compartmentalization of life at home and life at work – and guess what? I began to feel out of sorts, not in alignment with who I am. So I decided that, even though I am an executive in corporate america, I must stay true to being myself in all moments, in all that I do and truly practicing all that I do in business through my true aligned and non-fragmented self. And what resulted was even greater success in business, in my career progression – with even faster results than ever before. Reading your post today, reminded me of that experience and I am so greatful to be able to share this experience with you and your readers. Thank you and many blessings.

    Warm regards,


  3. Joyce

    I think most people separate their “personal” from the “professional” because firstly it had been traditionally separated before.. and that is the “older” way of thinking… vs the younger trendier way of integrating homelife and business /worklife… The internet age bridges the “2 lives”… and with new communication tools facilitating social and business networking , time collapses and there is no separation really… so when one tries to “separate” biz and homelife, there is a fragmentation just thinking about it!


  4. This makes a lot of sense that this separation causes stress, because from my experience one definitely affects the other both ways. I wondered what creates this need to separate in the first place, or is it just because its what we have been taught that this is the way to cope?


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